MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Lock Method of Dictionary class

Method | Member of  Multi.Dictionary | Changes | Purchase | Download


The Lock method blocks other clients from modifying the variables stored in the Dictionary object, ensuring that only one thread at a time can alter or access the dictionary variables.


Dictionary.Lock ([HoldLock as Long = Infinite (-1)], [WaitForUnlock as Long = Infinite (-1)])

Where Type Optional Default Description
 HoldLock  Long  yes  Infinite (-1)  The time [ms] for which the dictionary lock is held 
 WaitForUnlock  Long  yes  Infinite (-1)  The time [ms] to wait for unlock 


Version 1.1.5 solves problem with COM+ application called from within different processes - COM+ can call Lock/Unlock pair from different COM+ threads of one calling process now.
Version 1.1.6 adds timeout parameters for the Lock method. This is useful to solve problems with errors.

'some code working with dictionary

You have to be sure that both Lock/Unlock methods are called. If you did not call Unlock method - usually for runtime error in 'some code' - this construction will hang in singlethread/multithreaded/multiprocess environment.
So you can use HoldLock parameter to hold the lock only some time and unlock the dictionary after the specified time, even the method Unlock was not called.

See also

Dictionary.Connect, Dictionary.Unlock, Dictionary.LockDuration

Other links for Lock

Methods of Dictionary class

Add, Connect, Disconnect, Exists, Load, Lock, Remove, RemoveAll, RemoveDictionary, Save, Unlock

Properties of Dictionary class

CompareMode, Count, Dictionaries, Item, Items, ItemsCount, Key, Keys, KeysCount, LockDuration, Name, RefCounter, UniqueKeys


Free threaded dictionary object. Lets you work with unique/non-unique keys, any VARIANT values and connect to other dictionary in the same process.
     Dictionary is a COM class specially designed as a free-threaded dictionary in Application scope of ASP/ASP.Net pages. It also works with script other engines in VB Script and JScript (ASP,ASP.Net, WSH, CHM, HTA), VB Net, Visual basic (VBA - VB 5, VB 6, Word, Excel, Access, …), C#, J#, C++, ASP, ASP.Net, Delphi and with T-SQL OLE functions - see Use ByteArray object article. You can also use the object in other programming environments with COM support, such is PowerBuilder.
     Source code for Dictionary is available within distribution license, please see License page for Multi Dictionary or License page for ASP file upload and ScriptUtilities.


Free-threaded (multithreaded) dictionary object. Lets you work with unique/non-unique keys in VBScript and JScript envinronment (share application/session variables in ASP) or any other programming language. You can share dictionary variables between processes or computers, you can save or restore dictionary variables to a disk, work with keys using regular expression and more.

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Other Motobit links:   IISTracer, real-time IIS monitor   ASP file upload - upload files to ASP. 
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